MacuMira™ Therapy for Dry AMD

What is it?

MacuMira is Canada’s first and only non-invasive, clinically proven treatment for dry age-related macular degeneration (AMD). Dry AMD is characterized by the slow deterioration of the macula, the central part of the retina. The macula is responsible for sharp, detailed vision. With dry AMD, tiny yellow deposits (called drusen) accumulate behind the retina causing the photoreceptor cells (the cells responsible for detecting light) to deteriorate causing distorted/blurry central vision. While no cure currently exists for dry AMD, MacuMira can help improve vision by delivering microcurrent neurostimulation to rejuvenate the retina, enhancing the health and function of the photoreceptor cells.

How does it work?

MacuMira works by microcurrent stimulation. Low-level electrical currents are delivered through closed eyelids. The patented waveform stimulates the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) cells, the layer below the light-sensitive cells, which helps clear drusen and other waste products from the macula and improves the delivery of nutrients to the photoreceptor cells keeping them healthy.

What to expect

Electrodes are placed on the temples, and a headband with connected goggles is used to deliver the microcurrent through the eyelids. Each session lasts about 30 minutes and is conducted in a comfortable setting. The treatment is painless, involves no injections or systemic drugs, and has shown to be safe and effective without adverse side effects.

The initial treatment phase involves four 32-minute sessions in the first week. Maintenance treatments are then administered every 2-3 months to maintain visual improvements.

To improve conductivity of the treatment, it’s important to drink a glass of water before and to NOT wear makeup or face cream.

Clinical study

A randomized parallel study involving 62 patients (43 receiving MacuMira treatment and 19 in the sham control group).

Patients treated with MacuMira showed significant improvements in visual acuity, with many gaining 10 or more letters on the ETDRS chart. Contrast sensitivity also improved substantially. The study demonstrated that nearly half of the treated patients experienced notable visual gains maintained throughout the trial period.


The cost of treatment is $500 per session. The loading of 4 session over 10 days would cost $2000 then $500 every 3 months.

Unfortunately, MacuMira is not covered by OHIP and, as it’s a new treatment, it’s unlikely that private insurances are covering it (yet).